Home DESTACADOS World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day

Mental Health

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Every 40 seconds someone takes their own life according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Every 40 seconds someone takes their own life according to the World Health Organization (WHO)

We observe World Suicide Prevention Day each year on September 10. It’s a growing problem and the numbers tell a shocking story. Every 40 seconds someone takes their own life according to the World Health Organization (WHO). That’s about 800,000 people worldwide every year — although some estimates put that number closer to 1 million. Suicide is the leading cause of death for people aged 15 to 29 and for every suicide that results in death, there are as many as 40 attempted suicides. What we know for sure is that there’s a lot to live for. Check out National Suicide Prevention Month for more information.

This year’s theme is all about ‘Creating Hope Through Action.’ So, let’s work together with our family, friends, healthcare workers, religious and political leaders to prevent suicide through active counseling and support. It’s time we empowered others to be in charge of their lives and value the one life they have.

Did you know that suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States? It affects all age groups equally. It’s important therefore to have discussions around mental health, making it easier for others to talk about the tough times they are going through and seek professional help if necessary.


Awareness of the growing yet very much preventable act of suicide is observed on World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10.


We lead busy lifestyles and barely get time to sit and actually process our thoughts, which is likely a reason why mental health issues or underlying problems go unassessed. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), suicide is committed somewhere in the world every 40 seconds. Approximately 800,000 people die every year due to suicide. The majority of these occur in underdeveloped and developing countries. These figures are startling, considering that suicide is preventable. Undiagnosed and untreated mental illness is the biggest reason behind suicide.

The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) initiated World Suicide Prevention Day in 2003. The day is co-sponsored by the World Federation for Mental Health and World Health Organization. The aim of the day is to research and collect data on suicidal behavior, determine the various causes and why its signs go unnoticed, and developing sound practices and policies for suicide prevention.

IASP wanted to create awareness by informing the public how to identify the warning signs of someone who is contemplating suicide and reach out to them before it’s too late. Because the initiative has done so well, WHO partnered with it from its second year onwards.

WHO’s global suicide prevention campaign from 1999 was mentioned on the first World Suicide Prevention Day in 2003, citing the following as its main goals:

“The organization of global, regional and national multi-sectoral activities to increase awareness about suicidal behaviors and how to effectively prevent them.”

“The strengthening of countries’ capabilities to develop and evaluate national policies and plans for suicide prevention.”

IASP and WHO aim to communicate to society that anyone can dissuade someone from ending their life through the openly endorsed message, ‘Take a Minute, Change a Life.’ Both organizations empower us to help those who suffer from depression and raise funds in support of mental health. This is why National Suicide Awareness Day has gained traction. In 2020, a global cycling event hosted in more than 40 countries raised around $12,000. WHO has also been connecting with survivors of suicide to share their stories through its Light a Candle Campaign. As of today, IASP has experts and volunteers from nearly 77 countries.

Events and activities on World Suicide Prevention Day include conferences, seminars, and discussion forums; formulating new policies for suicide prevention; the use of media as a tool for promoting awareness; memorial ceremonies to remember those who lost the battle to mental illness; educating adolescents on suicide and who to reach out to if needed; and establishing support groups and special facility centers as resources for depression and suicide awareness and treatment.

In 2017, the famous rapper Logic created awareness of the suicide helpline number through his song, ‘1-800-273-8255.’ The song which is about a person who seeks help for his suicidal thoughts created an uptick in the number of calls to suicide helpline numbers. Around the same time, reports of celebrity deaths increased suicides by 13%.


30% – the percentage increase in the rate of death by suicide in the U.S. between 2000 and 2016.

50% – the percentage increase in suicides among girls and women between 2000 and 2016.

10 – the ranking of suicide as the leading cause of death in the U.S.

47,511 – the number of Americans who died by suicide in 2019.

1.38 million – the number of suicide attempts in the U.S. in 2019.

13.93 – the age-adjusted suicide rate per 100,000 individuals.

3.63x – the number of times that men have had higher suicide rates than women in recent years.

69.38% – the percentage of white males who accounted for suicide deaths in 2019.

50.39% – the percentage of all suicides by firearms.

93% – the percentage of Americans surveyed who think suicide can be prevented.

What should you do if someone tells you they are thinking about suicide?

Suicide is preventable. If someone is thinking about suicide, it should be taken seriously and non-judgmentally. Help the individual seek a professional, and do not leave them alone. Emergency steps may need to be taken, such as calling 911.


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