by Soraya Alcalá

El amor que ansías te está buscando en este mismo instante. – Deepak Chopra

El amor constituye el mayor salto evolutivo de la historia de la humanidad. Esta idea, que constituye la base de las antiguas tradiciones, es hoy un principio que las últimas investigaciones científicas se han encargado de corroborar: a través del amor, podemos acceder a un nuevo estado de conciencia, dejar atrás el miedo, y conocer la verdadera libertad. En su nueva obra, Marci Shimoff, experta en literatura de transformación, nos  abre las puertas de este nuevo paradigma: el amor como un estado interior que podemos invocar en cualquier momento y situación. Un estado de conciencia en el cual nuestra felicidad no depende de ninguna persona, circunstancia o pareja, porque siempre irradiamos lo mejor y más elevado de nosotros mismos, y atraemos amor como un imán. Basándose en los últimos descubrimientos sobre la bioquímica del amor, así como en la sabiduría ancestral de distintas culturas y religiones, este libro ofrece el primer programa holístico para acceder a la matriz de amor incondicional de la que todos procedemos y a la cual estamos destinados a regresar.

  • Love For No Reason

There are thousands of books that educate us on how to give and receive love, but this unique and powerful book does that and more; it shows us how to BE love, which is what we are at the most profound root of the Self.

Michael Bernard

Marci Shimoff offers a breakthrough approach to experience a lasting state of unconditional love, the kind of love that doesn’t depend on another person, situation, or romantic partner, and that you can access at any time and in any circumstance. This is the deepest and truest form of love and is the key to lasting joy and fulfillment in life. What if you could live in a state of unconditional love all the time? If you could love people not because they fill your needs or because they love you, but because you’re connected to a state of pure love within yourself? What if you could bring the highest and best part of yourself to your family and friends, to your work, to your community, and even to the things that you find most challenging in your life? You can, when you learn to Love for no Reason. Love for No Reason introduces a new paradigm-love as an inner state of being that you can access at any time and in any circumstance. In this state, instead of trying to get love from the outside, you bring love to everyone and everything around you. Supported by the latest scientific research on the biochemistry of love along with ancient, time-tested wisdom from cultures across the globe, Shimoff offers a revolutionary 7-step program to develop and maintain unconditional love from the inside out. Combining practical tools and cutting-edge methods, this program empowers you to bring an open heart and unconditional love to every aspect of your life, including your relationships with yourself, your family, your friends, and your work. You’ll learn how to break through the boundaries that block love’s flow-whether these are past negative experiences, limiting beliefs about love, judgments, or self-doubt. You’ll also gain insights from Marci’s interviews with 150 Love Luminaries, world renowned scientists, spiritual leaders, psychologists, and other experts on love, as well as people living in the state of Love for No Reason in their everyday lives. Many of these people share their extraordinary and moving personal stories. Whatever your experiences of love have been in the past, you can begin to love at a higher level today. Love for No Reason is your essential guide. This one-of-a-kind book shows you how to strengthen the foundation of love within to become an unshakeable source of love for yourself and for everyone around you.

AMA PORQUE SI | Love For No Reason

By: Marci Shimoff 

9788479537982 | PB | 448 Pages | $25.95 | Ediciones Urano | Personal Growth

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