Home DESTACADOS 10 Best States To Live In

10 Best States To Live In


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WalletHub compared the 50 states based on 51 key indicators of livability.

By Adam McCann

Finance writer for WalletHub

Deciding on a place to call home can be a tough process. You’ll need to balance things like the cost of living with job opportunities, quality of education and safety. Personal preference also comes into the equation, as you’ll want to live somewhere with the types of attractions, recreational opportunities and weather that suit you. Luckily, there’s 50 states to choose from, from frigid Alaska to sunny Florida. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks.

If you do the math, some states clearly outshine others in various categories. To find out the best states to live, WalletHub compared the 50 states based on 51 key indicators of livability. They range from housing costs and income growth to the education rate and quality of hospitals.

Top States to Live in

Overall Rank  State Total Score  Affordability  Economy  Education & Health  Quality of Life  Safety 
1 Massachusetts 61.67 44 11 1 6 6
2 New Jersey 61.48 48 33 7 11 1
3 New Hampshire 59.32 40 2 2 37 5
4 New York 59.31 47 28 23 1 3
5 Wyoming 59.16 10 17 28 39 4
6 Florida 58.81 33 14 17 5 15
7 Virginia 58.37 16 22 14 19 10
8 Idaho 58.36 13 7 26 23 9
9 Wisconsin 58.35 32 24 8 14 12
10 Minnesota 57.52 11 21 9 8

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