Home DESTACADOS Emergency Humanitarian Waiver To Foreign Assistance Pause

Emergency Humanitarian Waiver To Foreign Assistance Pause

by Soraya Alcalá
Emergency Humanitarian Waiver

To: All implementing U.S. government agencies, partners, and NGOs.

For the purposes of carrying out the President’s Executive Order on Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid, I am approving an additional waiver of the pause under the Executive Order on Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid and my subsequent direction of January 24, 2025, for life-saving humanitarian assistance during the period of the review.

Implementers of existing life-saving humanitarian assistance programs should continue or resume work if they have stopped, subject to the following directions.  This resumption is temporary in nature, and except by separate waiver or as required to carry out this waiver, no new contracts shall be entered into.

  1. (a) For purposes of this waiver, life-saving humanitarian assistance applies to core life-saving medicine, medical services, food, shelter, and subsistence assistance, as well as supplies and reasonable administrative costs as necessary to deliver such assistance.
    (b) This waiver does not apply to activities that involve abortions, family planning, conferences, administrative costs other than those covered by 1(a) above, gender or DEI ideology programs, transgender surgeries, or other non-life saving assistance.
    (c) Migration and Refugee Assistance (MRA) may only be used to support activities under section 1(a) and for repatriation of third country nationals to their country of origin or safe-third-country.
  2. Additional waivers or exceptions for humanitarian assistance not covered by this waiver may be sought through the Director of Foreign Assistance at the Department of State. Implementing partners and NGOs are to work through their U.S. government agency partners on such requests.


29 DE ENERO DE 2025

Para llevar a cabo la orden ejecutiva del Presidente para revaluar y realinear la ayuda exterior de Estados Unidos, aprobé ayer una exención adicional a la pausa para la asistencia humanitaria vital durante el período de la revisión.

Aquellos que implementan los programas existentes de asistencia humanitaria vital deben continuar o reanudar el trabajo si se han detenido, sujetos a las instrucciones descritas en esta exención. Esta reanudación es de carácter temporal y, con las limitadas excepciones que sean necesarias para continuar con los programas de asistencia humanitaria vital, no se suscribirán nuevos contratos.

La exención completa y suscrita está disponible aquí (en inglés).

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